Start, when the realm calls
Start, with or without help
A step forward and another
Even when the feet won’t budge
Start, so that change may begin.
Start, since the wails still echo
Start, since the child’s still hungry
Plant the seed of duty
For change to spread it roots
Start, to end, a long hiatus
Start, with pebbles and peanuts
Start, with embers, if fires are tough
Fear not failure
Or demons, that lurk in the shadows
Start, for glory and for guts

Start, with however little you have
Start, here and now, wherever you stand
Try, Fail,
Fail forward and repeat
Start, in victory and in defeat
Start, when there’s no voice in support
Start, at dusk, or with midnight oil on reserve
The pain, the fear, the sorrow
Let them all come along
Start, where others often stop
Start, so that I may too
Start, to do what we must do
With clear, deliberate, conscious, unwavering focus
Start, just that much would do.